Just over two weeks ago, we put out the call for our first ever Merry Mail Campaign in support of Cards for Hospitalized Kids. We wanted to do something to give back, but realized time was of the essence.
Somehow, despite publishing our call for cards the day after Thanksgiving, we didn’t get lost in the shuffle of Small Business Saturday or the upcoming December holiday season. In fact, it’s fair to say that you heard our call loud and clear.

For those who missed the Waypoint Writing Posts Merry Mail blog and social posts, don’t worry… there’s always next year.
To bring you up to speed, the Merry Mail Campaign is a push to collect cards on behalf of Cards for Hospitalized Kids, an organization that delivers cards to children stuck spending the holidays in hospitals around the country. Participating hospitals include St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Tennessee , Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Miami Children’s Hospital in Florida, to name a few.
The Card Count

Last Saturday morning, with ten minutes to spare before the post office closed at noon, we shipped a total of 92 cards to Cards for Hospitalized Kids’ headquarters in Chicago.
To put this in perspective, 92 cards is a lot… but not nearly as much when you consider that each card represents one child.
Thanks to all of our participants, who so quickly and enthusiastically answered the call, we will enhance the holidays for 92 children who, for reasons not of their own making, are spending the “most wonderful time of the year” in the one place most people try to avoid at all costs.
Shout Outs

Speaking of those participants outside of Waypoint Writing, we want to recognize those who sent cards and shared this opportunity with their networks as part of our sincere thanks.
In good-old fashioned alphabetical order, thank you:
- Aimee Cozza
- Alison and Josephine Hall
- Blue Shutters Web Design
- Christina Silva
- Emily Aborn
- “Judith in Boston”
- Luce Contracting
- Naughty Good Bites — Colby, Mallory, and Tanner
Since the postal system — and postal workers — are overworked this time of year, we’ll keep checking our PO Box for any stragglers that came in after the deadline and send them via rush delivery. We’ll make sure to update social and our thank you list above.
With the shipment expected to reach Cards for Hospitalized Kids tomorrow, Tuesday, December 17, we’ve made their deadline to submit all cards one week before Christmas.
Thank you so much for supporting our first ever #MerryMailCampaign. We’re confident that we will crush the 100-card mark next year.
Happy Holidays, everyone!