Social media is a tool that can be used to promote, gain exposure, and connect. The online presence is one that is extensive and can reach colleagues of your business as well as customers faster than anything else!
With social media being the great power that it is, it can also be extremely overwhelming. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and so many more… do you need an account for each one of them? Is that too much? Is it smarter to utilize all of the social media platforms or pour all of your energy into two or three that will work best for your company?
Quantity or Quality of Socials?
Undoubtedly, it’s the latter. Having two or three strong social media platforms that are relevant and helpful to your company will work wonders for you as opposed to balancing all social media channels.
Thinking about it from a logistical standpoint, why would you waste time tweeting if your clientele do not Twitter? What if the majority of your active followers are found on Instagram? They will be looking for updates there before Twitter. Overlooking where your client base actually interacts on social media will cost you the opportunity to connect and make meaningful contact.
The social media network is extensive but that does not mean you have to have a presence across the board. Instead, it is essential to know which platforms your customers prefer. This is much easier to figure out than you think and simply involves isolating some key factors through media research.
Choosing your Super Social Media
Figuring out which social medias will be strongest for you is dependent on you as the business owner doing some reflection of your business. There are a few questions to ask yourself in order to narrow your research and land on the most advantageous platforms.
Who are Your Target Customers?
If your business sells clothing perfectly styled for the teenaged demographic, you may not need to focus on Facebook. Teens hang out on Instagram and Pinterest, which is good news for you, considering the fact that you will want to post pictures of your products. This factor comes first because it is most important. There is no reason to put your energy into driving sales on a place where your audience has limited engagement.
Where is Your Existing Traffic?
How many likes are you getting on Instagram? When is the last time someone followed you on Twitter? Are your Facebook posts getting shared? This is traffic, the good kind. You want all of your social media pages to attract attention, but is there one that is getting the most compared to the others? If so, focus your content and engagement here in order to increase your business and grow your customer base.
What are Your Competitors Doing?
Maybe your main business competitor has a booming Twitter account. In that case, you better get one, too! If they are popular in the Twitterverse and sell a similar product then you should also have success creating a following. Check out other Twitter accounts to see how they are managed and use them as a model. Meanwhile, consider ditching any other social media platforms that have fallen flat for you.
What do Your Customers Want to See?
Does your business require a lot of information to be shared in the form of a mini blog with a picture or two? Perhaps your customers will want to see updates via Facebook. Could they possibly need to get alert updates from your business about when items are dropping or events are happening? Twitter would be the way to go. Or maybe you have a photography business and need to showcase your art? Instagram is most likely what your clients will want to access.
When it comes to social media channels, take stock of your business, clientele, and future goals in order to niche down and nail the platform that’s best for you!